Thursday, December 6, 2012

John and Molly Visit

Exercise before dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner c/c Peacefoods

Hilt: first Vegetarian Restaurant

Zurich at Christmas Time



Petting Zoo

Titlis Mountain...ya I said it

Watching Molly get in the ice caves was probably one of the best moments of my life!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

London AKA "Lemons"

     Before heading back to Boston, my parents took us to London, or as Emi called it "Lemons"

Visiting the Queen

Fulham Soccer Game

To avoid a "Swiss Mullet" we all got our hair cut in London.  So cute watching a 6'4 tatted guy cut the girls' hair so gently. 

My parents left for Boston and we spent one more a London ER.    Emi had an allergic reaction.  Source TBD

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

G's in Switzerland

We were so excited to have Yiayia Ato and Papou Peter visit!  What was supposed to be their vacation, turned out to be more of a vacation for us.  They came to work and play.  We finally put everything away before they came, but they had nothing up on the walls.  They quickly fixed that.  It was so nice to feel "at home" in our new home!

Then there was all the spoiling.  The girls got away with everything.  There was no point in disciplining them, since my Dad would just swoop in and take them out of time out or give them whatever they asked for, regardless of my answer.  Not that I should talk.  I think I cooked like twice and all the laundry and cleaning was done by my "live in maid".  



When we were little my Dad, the boys and I would wrestle.  Libby has been initiated and seriously loves it!  All she can talk about now is going home for Christmas to wrestle with my Dad, who she calls "Missy"  They became such buddies, it's the cutest!

Juker Farm

This was a pumpkin farm that was really cool.  The food was so good!